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E-XFL.COM je autorizovaný distribútor elektronických komponentov pre viac ako 400 popredných dodávateľov v odvetví.

HMS Networks

HMS is a leader in industrial communication and IIoT. The mission of HMS is based on connecting devices, machines, and people to improve operational efficiency and business outcomes. Their technology connects millions of industrial devices all over the world in automated systems and other innovative IIoT applications. HMS has four business unit divisions: Anybus, IXXAT, eWON, and Intesis. With Anybus, customers can connect any industrial device to any industrial network using wired or wireless technology. IXXAT products enable communication inside machines and between components. eWON remote solutions allow users to access, monitor, troubleshoot, and control industrial machinery online. Intesis solutions are utilized to connect devices such as AC units or other HVAC equipment to control systems in buildings.

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